Rudhir – The lifeline– Comprehensive Thalassemia Day Care Unit, the first of its kind in heart of Pune, was inaugurated at the Sanjeevan Hospital by Shri Muralidhar Mohol, Pune Mayor by cutting the ribbon in the presence of Dr. Anantbhushan Ranade – Avinash Cancer clinic, Dr. Mukund Penurkar– Director Sanjeevan Hospital, Dr. Atul Kulkarni– Jankalyan Blood bank, Mr. Vinay Shetty– Vice President- Think Foundation, Shri. Praveen Dabadghav. Also in attendance were representatives of Thalassemia Society Pune Chapter and apart from doctors, nursing staff, thalassemic children and their parents.
The centre will provide free of cost services to Thalassemia patients and the aim is to make the entire treatment line and transfusions hassle free.
Six different entities – Sanjeevan hospital, Avinash Cancer care clinic, Decimate C, Jankalyan Blood bank, Thalassemia society Pune chapter and Funwithredbloodcells are partners in this project for the well being of thalassemia patients.
The new centre has been executed on the concept of One Stop For All The transfusions will be planned, arrangements for blood will be done in advance by the Centre. Besides, the children will get monitored for all their health parameters by the doctors in charge of the Day Care free of cost. With air-conditioning, television and other facilities, the Centre now provides comprehensive treatment in a comfortable environment at a place which is very close to the children’s residence. This centre was conceptualised with Hematologist Dr. Liza bulsara and Dr. Sweta Lunkad.
The Centre is designed to cater to more than 200 transfusion/ month.
Location – 2nd Floor, Thalassemia Day Care Unit, Sanjeevan Hospital, Pune.
Contact – 9978890209 / 020 6725 0000