Annual affair hosted by Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) — a Pune-based organisation specialised in diabetes reversal, मुक्तोत्सव from December 16th to 19th. The event is designed to celebrate individuals who have successfully reversed diabetes through the FFD’s unique programme.

The four-day event also aims to inspire others who hope to free themselves from diabetes. Participants can attend it online free of cost at the website

The highlight of this year’s event will be a session addressed by noted physician, diabetologist and author Prof. Roy Taylor who revolutionised the treatment for type-2 diabetes. Professor Taylor will talk to participants to encourage people to take control of their lives and free themselves from diabetes.

The event will also have noted personalities from the field of science and medicine. Dr Mukesh Batra – founder of Dr Batra’s group; Dr Ali Irani – head of the physiotherapy department at Nanavati Hospital and scientist Dr Raghunath Mashelkar – Fellow of Royal Society who will talk to participants.

Over the four days, the FFD will felicitate and reward individuals who have reversed diabetes and passed the glucose tolerance test (GTT). The event will also felicitate other achievers and their families who managed to lose significant weight and those who could end dependency on medicines. GTT is a medical test in which glucose is given and blood samples are taken afterwards to determine how quickly it is cleared from the blood.

“In 2016, we had 23 individuals who passed the GTT and today in 2021, the number has risen to a whopping 204. In 2016, we had 520 diabetics registered with us under the Intensive Reversal programme and this year, the number has increased to 6,725. The earlier one decides to act on diabetes, the better are their chances of effectively reversing it. Over the last seven years, the FFD has helped over 11,000 individuals reverse their diabetes and we are on a mission to free 100,000 diabetics by 2025,” Dr Pramod Tripathi, the founder of Freedom From Diabetes said.