And it’s school time, again! Time to pack the bags and most importantly, the tiffin box, right? Planning your kid’s tiffin can be challenging unless you know the perfect match of the food groups included every day in the meals.

Pointers to keep in mind while packing the tiffins

  1. Since the tiffins are going to be ¼ of the nutrient of the day, you need to ensure that it is packed with nutrients. Make sure that the breakfast, as well as lunch, should be by ‘the healthy plate’ method. Include proteins, good fats, carbohydrates and vegetable groups in combination( check the weekly menu plan given).
  1. The tiffins should be spillproof and easy to carry. We know how the kids hate to spend time eating their tiffins. Keep it handy to ensure that the kids can finish it fast and go to play.
  1. Breakfast tiffins and lunch tiffins are the time for nourishment, so avoid junk foods like cakes, biscuits, namkeens or wafers. Instead, give wholesome meals.
  1. The food should be of the right consistency and spill-proof, there should be as little mess as possible.
  1. Make sure that the tiffin box is easy to clean with minimum hinges which will log the food causing food poisoning.

Here is a table I have made for planning the week’s menu for the kids keeping all the above principles in mind!