In the heart of Pune, lies an age-old mansion also known as ‘Nighojkar Wada’, an incredible legacy since 1920! This Wada is a 103 year old work of architecture conserved through generations. Since then Nighojkar Wada has always been known for their homemade foods, especially Vadapav and Batata Bhajji!

In 1920, this Wada was bought by Dinkar Nighojkar. He started renting half of the Wada for weddings and other functions. Later in 1961, they stopped renting the space for weddings due to the Panshet Dam Flood. But the Nighojkar family didn’t back down! They again started to rent out their ground floor area, although this time they rented it for theatre/performing arts rehearsals! In all this, Dinkar Ji’s sons and daughter-in-laws also helped them wholeheartedly.

At present, this place and the business is managed by Dinkar ji’s son Sudhakar and his daughter-in-law Neela.  Even at the age of 80 and 85, this couple sets a true example of dedication before us. As years passed by, Nighojkar Wada became a perfect ‘Adda’ for artists. You’ll be thrilled to know that legendary artists such as the Late Shreeram Lagoo and Late Nilu Phule also used to pay their regular visits here.

Everyone knows that such rehearsals take up almost a complete day. After such tiring and rigorous rehearsals, the tummy needs to be satisfied as well. Hence, Neela Nighojkar started to serve Maharashtrian snacks such as Sabudana Khichadi, Pohe, Upma, Vadapav, Coffee, Tea, etc. Due to such warm hospitality by the Nighojkar couple, this place always felt like a second home to the artists.

Later, Neela Nighojkar’s daughter and son-in-law started serving these snacks to the public as well. Sonali and her husband Sandeep Bondarde manage the snacks centre. But wait, there is more to your surprise! Instead of serving somewhere outside, the family serves these snacks inside the Wada itself! Simple seating is arranged for the foodies. This surely makes for an experience to die for, for every foodie Punekar. Gorging on traditional Puneri snacks while sitting inside the wada that has seen generations of artists and bygone eras of the last 100 years!

Once you enter this place, your heart will be full with the warmth of this place. And the homemade food which is filled with pure love of these people. Nighojkar Wada will surely give you an experience like no other place in Pune.

CONTACT : 88569933339822959592
LOCATION: 151, Narasinha Chimtamani Kalker Rd, 411030, Pulachi Wadi, Narayan Peth, Pune-30
TIMING: 5:30pm to 8:00pm (Monday to Sunday)