While the faculty at St Mary’s School, Pune could barely contain their excitement, someone dialled the residence of Hargun Kaur Matharu, the girl who topped not just the school but is tied for the top position with three other students from Uttar Pradesh at 99.8 per cent.
“I was hoping for it but I didn’t think it would actually happen. In terms of preparation, I think the most important thing is to follow what the topic being taught in class. I didn’t take any coaching. In fact, I never had a schedule, I would study as much as I wanted,” said Matharu who is preparing for JEE and is interested in robotics.
Similar celebrations were seen across ICSE schools in the city with most students performing spectacularly well in the finals.
Among the national merit holders is another student of St Mary’s School, Shivani Deo, who ranked second along with 33 others from across the nation. “I relied on classroom lectures and my teachers completely and a lot of credit goes to them as well. Also, I believe a fair balance is needed so I would take part in athletic competitions regularly and keep myself fit through regular exercise. As far as hobbies go, I like reading and writing.”
News Source- Indian Express