Rahul Deshpande has bagged the prestigious National award as Best Playback Singer for the Marathi film ‘Mee Vasantrao’ and his family home is showered with wishes for his biggest achievement of winning the best playback singer at the 68th National Film Awards, announced in Delhi on Friday.
“I am very happy that not one but two awards have been awarded to Mee Vasantrao, one for Anmol Bhave and one for me for best playback singer.
This film is inspirational for it depicts the struggle of common people to achieve their goals, be it a singer or anyone else. how we overcome these hurdles with hard work is what this film tells the audience.” said Rahul Deshpande while speaking to Urbanly.
Also on the list, actors Siddharth Menon & Kishore Kadam are awarded the Special Mention. “You dream about this moment of winning a national award, but you get up and go to work every day, try to find scripts and films that you want to make, but I am glad June found me and this one is very special for this is my most challenging film. this award is for the team. I am just over the moon.” said Siddharth Menon.
Also, for Mee Vasantrao, Anmol Bhave wins the award for best Sound Designer. He has earlier also won National awards twice in 2008 and in 2005.
The Funral movie also won the National Award & received a silver Lotus on social issues. This is the first film for Aroha Welankar. “I am very happy and also proud that is the second Marathi film after Anandi Gopal to receive a Silver Lotus.”
This year, there were 305 feature films as entries in 30 languages. In the non-feature film category, 148 films in 28 languages were received as entries.