Despite the onset of Akhad a.k.a. Ashadh month (considered best for eating non-veg!), a pure veg delivery kitchen in Pune set a new record last weekend! Just in 3 days; Friday, Saturday & Sunday, this one-year-old cloud kitchen delivered a whopping 250Kg Veg Biryani. The kitchen is named Biryani Khansama and is ably led by Anurag Bende who is a Company Secretary by qualification. How did this kitchen manage to achieve these many orders and also successfully delivered them? Let’s find out!
Biryani Khansama is a brand envisioned by Anurag dedicated to pure vegetarian food and to achieving a variety of vegetarian biryanis without making them Pulao! Perfecting the recipes over a year and winning hearts of vegetarians across the city, the brand was nearing its anniversary. So, Anurag was looking forward to a Dhamaka kind of activity for this occasion. Being a commerce graduate and a company secretary, he coined a term Biryani Public Offer i.e., BPO, much similar to an IPO that investors always look forward to.
BPO meant anybody could order 1 kilogram veg biryani on 30th June, 1st or 2nd July only at Rs. 199/- from them in advance. Anurag wanted to treat his regulars on their anniversary and wanted new customers to get a chance to try out the recipe he has perfected. Ordering was also very simple through WhatsApp. No extra App download or coupon code was required to get this offer!
The whole campaign kicked off a week before and orders started pouring in on their official WhatsApp. On Friday, the first day of BPO, the kitchen delivered 55 Kg of veg biryani. It was the right start! There was constant line of delivery persons outside the kitchen. On Saturday and Sunday, the orders almost doubled and each day 100+ Kg biryani was delivered. That totally made 250+ Kg veg biryani sold over just one weekend!
It must be the first time in history that over just 3 days, Pure Vegetarian Biryani was sold at this scale by a single kitchen. Pretty much a record sale it can be called!
Anurag and his team of chefs at Biryani Khansama achieved this feat with a careful marketing campaign targeting areas nearby. It is a case study for vegetarian dark kitchens for sure.
If you wish to try the unique record making biryani from Biryani Khansama, just WhatsApp them on 8999759278