It’s that pleasant time of the year when we can’t stop having delicious fried snacks all the time.
The rainy season has been the most sought-after season where our body hampers the digestion process and makes the immune system prone to infections. In the monsoons, substituting the fried foods with the healthy versions can prove well for your body the most.
You can easily consume herbal teas, hot soups, and drinks and make nutritious snacks with minimal ingredients. Herbal tea can be made in various ways by mixing a plethora of right herbs in combination.
As monsoons are incomplete without hot soups, a wholesome and healthy mixed vegetable soup can do wonders to your immunity. Hot drinks or soups prove flavourful as well as beneficial for the body to eliminate infections.
A completely vegan (no-bone) broth balanced with protein and vitamins makes a perfect nutritive drink. Fried snacks like bhajiya can be replaced by some nutritious snacks like bhutta and sweet corn chaat loaded with protein to relieve your taste buds.
1) Tulsi ginger tea
Preparation time-10 min
No. of serves-3
Tulsi leaves-3-4, Ginger-2 inches, Black pepper – 4-5, Boiled water-3 cups, Honey-1 tsp
1)Boil all the ingredients in a vessel.
2)Strain the liquid into a cup and add honey for a sweet taste.
Mixed vegetable soup
Preparation time-20 min No. of serves-4
3 tomatoes(chopped), 1 whole potato(cut into cubes), 1½ cup chopped cauliflower, ½ green bell pepper, 1 celery stalk(cut), 1 onion(cut into cubes), ¼th cup lentils, 1 whole chopped carrot, 1/2 cup sweetcorn, Pepper-1/2 tsp, Butter-1 tsp, Salt to taste
1) In a pressure cooker, put all the chopped vegetables, lentils, and sweetcorn.
2) Now, add salt to taste and put nearly 1 liter of water in the mixture.
3) Pressure cook it for 2 whistles.
4) Blenderise all the ingredients to a puree off the pressure cooker.
5) Stir well and bring to a final boil for a homogenous consistency.
5) Serve it hot by garnishing it with butter and pepper powder to taste.
Vegan bone broth
Preparation time-50 min, No. of serves- 6
Water (1 ½ liter), Shiitake mushrooms (3-4), Miso paste for soups(1 tbsp), 1 Carrot(cut into cubes), 3 Celery sticks(cut into cubes), 1 chopped onion, Garlic (3-4 pieces), Salt to taste, Ghee/coconut oil
1) In a big vessel, pour 1 ½ liter of water.
2) Add chopped onion, whole garlic cloves, chopped carrot, and celery sticks to the water.
3) Put the crushed shitake mushrooms into it.
4) Add salt to taste and stir gently.
5) Cover it with a lid and cook for 45 min on low flame.
6) Filter the liquid using a strainer in a bowl.
7) Now, mix 1 tbsp miso paste with ghee/coconut oil.
8) Add the paste into the broth and mix it well.
9) Serve hot with ghee/coconut oil.
Sweet corn chaat
Preparation time – 20 min, No. of serves – 3
Boiled sweet corn- 1 cup, Sprouts-1 cup, Tomato – ½ cup, Onion- ½ cup, Coriander – ½ cup, Green bell pepper – ½ cup, Lemon juice – 1 tsp, Red chili powder- ½ tsp, Chaat masala-1 tsp, Salt to taste
Mix all the ingredients gently and serve with some sprinkled lemon juice.