Synopsis: Gangaram, a poor farmer from a village neighbouring Pilibhit tiger reserve takes a decision to be a prey for a tiger so that his family can claim a compensation from the administration after 3 failed monsoons.
Review: Inspired by the real events that took place in a village neighbouring Pilibhit Tiger Reserve where the elderly of the village are planted as a bait for the tigers to prey on, so their families can claim compensation from the administration
Gangaram, played by Pankaj Tripathi, a farmer struck in poverty and hunger is forced to take a bizarre decision for the future of his family after 3 failed monsoons which put him in a dilemma and causes him to follow the inhuman ways of the villagers to help his family through the poverty by sacrificing himself to the tigers in the reserve, so his family can claim compensation. What happens when he enters the reserve is an interesting watch.
The music and the Cinematography of the film is splendid and has been so good to see and hear. Pankaj Tripathi’s act is commendable as always. It’s always been a treat to watch him act. The story gets fast in the second half which doesn’t go well with the story build up in the first half. The film feels stretched and lengthy as the issues to show unfolds near climax. Pankaj Tripathi pulls the film alone or it can be said the film doesn’t do justice to his acting prowess.
Although the film fails to bring the issues to surface, it’s a real eye opener and thought provoking. Issues such as urbanization, deforestation, human-animal relations and some social and religious matters too are highlighted. The film could’ve been done much better.
Movie review by Siddharth Jetithor