Pune’s biryani enthusiasts have a reason to rejoice now. The iconic Shama Bhosale’s Lazeez Biryani, which was a delivery-only place till now, is now open for dine-in. And the best part? You can now savor it in an old wada in the heart of Sadashiv peth.
What makes Shama Bhosale’s biryani so special? It’s not just the taste but the story behind it. These aren’t just recipes, but royal secrets passed down to her by her grandmother, Chandraprabha Devi Deshmukh. This quintessential place houses the perfect balance between homeliness and regality, making it a go to place for countless families across Pune.
The place has managed to keep the menu short and effortless. The menu features timeless favorites like Mutton/Chicken Sukkha and the household’s invention of Bakhar Anda which is boiled egg pan-fried in Bhakarwadi masala. She came up with this to make her kids’ meal more flavorful, and it soon turned out to be a hit among the customers.
Of Course, the star of the show is biryani with multiple varieties including Chicken Biryani and Mutton Biryani. The Biryani’s taste and texture is a marvel in itself. Every grain of the basmati rice is perfectly separate and delicately coated with their secret home-made masala mixtures. The biryani does not speak of overpowering heat but definitely a burst of flavor in every biteful. The meat pieces are juicy, tender and fall off the bone easily, reflecting the time and excellence of the cooking process.
For those craving for extra accompaniments, their Koshimbir and Rassa are not to be missed. The koshimbir will stay consistently fresh and would never taste sour even if you get it delivered. The Rassa is so full of flavors that you’ll find yourself drinking a whole katori of Rassa on it’s own.
Shama Bhosale’s establishment has been a symbol of culinary love for last 14 years. She shared that, her love for cooking and serving people has led to her dishes becoming a household name. Whether it be a layman or celebrities like Nana Patekar and Politicians like Supriya Sule and Raj Thackery, this place has received admiration of all.
So, why not take a moment and visit yourself? You’ll not just leave with the stomach full but a heart full of the joy of home cooked food.
Address: Waman Sakharam Shedege Limayewadi, 1176, Sadashiv Peth Rd, Limayewadi, Sadashiv Peth, Pune.
Contact: 07385096348